The Programmer Disk
The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso
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Text File
270 lines
1. Introduction...............................................1
2. Technical Nitty Gritties...................................1
3. User Supported Software....................................2
3.1. Registering...........................................2
3.2. Support Services......................................2
3.2.1. Electronic Support.............................3
4. The Basics.................................................4
4.1. Window Basics.........................................5
4.2. Data Entry Basics.....................................6
4.3. Form Basics...........................................7
4.4. Popup Menu Basics.....................................8
4.4.1. Notes.........................................13
4.5. Help System Basics...................................14
4.5.1. Notes.........................................16
4.6. Mouse Basics.........................................19
4.7. Important Concepts...................................22
4.7.1. WINDOWS.H.....................................22
4.7.2. Window Handles................................22
4.7.3. Mouse Handles.................................22
4.7.4. Window Origin.................................22
4.7.5. Text and Data Field Origins...................22
4.7.6. Attributes....................................22
4.7.7. Fields and Forms..............................23
4.7.8. Return Values.................................23
4.7.9. Closing Forms and Windows.....................23
4.7.10. Overlapping Windows..........................24
4.7.11. Functions....................................25
5. Distribution Methods & Media Kits ........................26
5.1. CompuServe, GENIE, BIX, & Bulletin Board Files.......26
5.2. The SHAREWARE Distribution Diskette(s)...............26
5.3. The SOURCE Distribution Diskette(s)..................31
6. Installation, Compiling, Linking .........................41
6.1. Installation.........................................41
6.2. Compiling (Command line).............................43
6.3. Linking (Command line)...............................44
7. General and Compiler Specific Notes.......................46
7.1. Upgrading - Existing Applications Impact.............47
7.2. Current Compilers & Libraries........................47
7.3. EGA & VGA Expanded Line & Column Modes...............47
7.4. Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) Programming........47
7.5. Important Globals....................................48
7.5.1. wns_dmaflg....................................48
7.5.2. wn_sbit.......................................48
7.5.3. wns_escape....................................48
7.6. Microsoft C..........................................49
7.7. Microsoft QuickC.....................................49
7.8. Borland Turbo C......................................50
7.9. Borland Turbo C++....................................50
7.10. MIX Power C.........................................50
7.11. TopSpeed C..........................................51
7.12. Datalight C.........................................53
7.13. Zortech C...........................................53
7.14. Watcom C............................................53
7.15. Lattice C...........................................53
7.16. Aztec C.............................................54
7.17. Feedback............................................54
8. Hints on Resolving Common Problems........................55
8.1. Unresolved Externals.................................55
8.2. Fixup Offset Errors..................................55
8.3. Bad Handle Exits.....................................55
8.4. Fatal Compilation Errors.............................55
8.5. Missing Files........................................55
8.6. Linking Errors.......................................56
8.7. Other Problems.......................................56
9. Making Changes............................................57
9.1. General Considerations...............................57
9.2. Specific Changes to Consider.........................58
9.3. TopSpeed C ..........................................59
9.4. Microsoft, Borland, Watcom .........................61
9.5. Datalight, Zortech, CI86 ............................61
9.6. Lattice, Mix Power C, Aztec .........................61
9.6.1. Assembly Language Object Files................61
9.6.2. Assembly Language Object File Matrix..........62
9.6.3. Assembler Code................................64
9.7. C Code...............................................65
10. Library Rebuilding (MSC5.1, QC2.0, LC 3.41, DLC, C86).....66
11. Function Call Synopsis....................................67
11.1. wn_init -- init window system.......................68
11.2. wn_exit -- exit window system.......................68
11.3. wn_psinit() -- init window system - physical size...68
11.4. wn_dmode -- set window display mode.................69
11.5. wn_open -- open window .............................70
11.6. wn_title -- title window............................72
11.7. wn_titla -- title window with attribute.............72
11.8. wn_stitle -- super title window.....................73
11.9. wn_stitla -- super title window with attribute......74
11.10. wn_close -- close window...........................75
11.11. wn_save -- save screen image ......................75
11.12. wn_restore -- restore saved screen image...........76
11.13. wn_move -- move window.............................76
11.14. wn_locate -- locate cursor in window...............77
11.15. wn_printf -- window printf.........................78
11.16. wn_puts -- put string (high speed).................79
11.17. wn_putc -- put character ..........................79
11.18. wn_gets -- get string with validation..............80
11.19. wn_putsa -- put string and attribute (high speed)..81
11.20. wn_putca -- put character and attribute............81
11.21. wn_insrow -- insert row in window..................82
11.22. wn_delrow -- delete row from window................82
11.23. wn_clr -- clear window.............................83
11.24. wn_activate -- activate window.....................83
11.25. wn_color -- set window & border attribute..........84
11.26. wn_wrap -- set/clear line wrap flag................85
11.27. wn_sync -- set/clear cursor synchronization flag...85
11.28. wn_scroll -- set scrolling method for window.......86
11.29. wn_dma -- set/clear write RAM directly flag........87
11.30. wn_fixcsr -- update window cursor position.........87
11.31. wn_boxset -- set box drawing character set.........88
11.32. wn_natrib -- set new attribute in window NOW!......88
11.33. wn_dborder -- draw (replace) border on window......89
11.34. wn_input -- general purpose window input...........90
11.35. wn_frmopn -- open data entry form..................95
11.36. wn_frmget -- get (read) data entry form............96
11.37. wn_frmcls -- close data entry form.................97
11.38. wn_gdate - input date in window....................98
11.39. wn_gtime -- input time in window..................100
11.40. wn_gphone -- input phone number in window.........102
11.41. wn_gtext -- input text in window..................104
11.42. wn_gutext -- input upper case text in window......104
11.43. wn_gltext -- input lower case text in window......104
11.44. wn_gatext -- input text & graphics characters ...104
11.45. wn_gpword -- input password in window.............106
11.46. wn_gint -- input integer in window................108
11.47. wn_guint - input unsigned integer in window.......110
11.48. wn_glong -- input long integer in window..........112
11.49. wn_gulong -- input unsigned long integer in windo.114
11.50. wn_gfloat -- input float in window................116
11.51. wn_gdouble -- input double in window..............118
11.52. wn_gbool -- input logical in window...............120
11.53. wn_dtext -- display text on input form............122
11.54. wn_iemsg -- display input error message...........123
11.55. wn_ihmsg -- display input help message............124
11.56. wn_shkey -- set HELP key code.....................124
11.57. wn_popup -- display and act on popup menu.........125
11.58. wn_qpopup -- display quick popup window...........126
11.59. wh_hlinit -- initialize help system...............127
11.60. wn_help -- display help message ..................130
11.61. wn_sleftj -- (string) left justify ...............131
11.62. wn_srightj -- (string) right justify .............131
11.63. wn_scenter -- (string) center ....................132
11.64. wn_sdelspc -- (string) delete leading/trailing sp.133
11.65. wn_strndx -- (string) return index of s2 in s1....133
11.66. mo_reset -- reset/init mouse......................134
11.67. mo_show -- show mouse.............................135
11.68. mo_hide -- hide mouse.............................136
11.69. mo_pos -- get mouse pixel position & status.......137
11.70. mo_move -- move mouse pixel cursor................138
11.71. mo_pbinfo -- get pressed mouse botton status......139
11.72. mo_rbinfo -- get released mouse button status.....140
11.73. mo_clim -- set mouse min/max pixel column limits..141
11.74. mo_rlim -- set mouse min/max pixel row limits.....141
11.75. mo_sgcursor -- set mouse graphics cursor..........142
11.76. mo_scursor -- set mouse cursor....................143
11.77. mo_motion -- get mouse motion counters...........145
11.78. mo_task -- define mouse event handler.............146
11.79. mo_lpon -- mouse light pen emulation on...........147
11.80. mo_lpoff -- mouse light pen emulation off.........147
11.81. mo_ratio -- set motion to pixel ratio.............147
11.82. mo_rcpos -- return current position of mouse......148
11.83. mo_locate -- locate (position) mouse cursor.......150
11.84. mo_press -- get mouse button press status.........151
11.85. mo_release -- get mouse button release status.....153
11.86. mo_reigon -- set mouse region.....................155
11.87. mo_setptr -- set mouse pointer and attributes.....156
11.88. mo_wait -- wait for mouse to settle...............157
11.89. mo_nbutt -- get mouse button count................158
11.90. _getca -- get character and attribute.............159
11.91. _putca -- put character and attribute ............159
11.92. _vidblt -- video block transfer...................160
11.93. v_spage -- set active display page................160
11.94. v_cls -- clear entire video screen ...............161
11.95. v_smode -- set video mode.........................161
11.96. v_wca -- write character and attribute............162
11.97. v_wtty -- write character TTY mode................162
11.98. v_locate -- locate (position) cursor..............163
11.99. v_hidec -- hide cursor............................163
11.100. v_sctype -- set cursor type (style)..............164
11.101. v_sapu -- scroll active display page up..........164
11.102. v_sapd -- scroll active display page down........165
11.103. v_rcpos -- return current cursor position........165
11.104. v_rcvs -- return current video state.............166
11.105. v_getch -- get keyboard character and scan code..166
11.106. v_kstat -- get keyboard status...................167
11.107. v_kflush -- flush keyboard buffer................167
11.108. v_border -- set border color.....................167
12. Registration Form........................................168